Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Being Prideful = Shattered Communication




a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience 

I do believe in epiphanies and last night I had a huge epiphany to address a situation that affects a lot of relationships. For the past couple days I have been watching a TV series called, "The Game". If I was asked to sum it all up in one word it would be DRAMA but there was something that continuously stuck out to me. Something that seriously pissed me off. Something that would honestly end the show in one episode. If they would've just said one simple but meaningful phrase after an argument, "I LOVE YOU and I still want to be with you."

The reason why the title is, "Being Prideful = Shattered Communication" is because when couples argue some people, and I have been guilty, put up a wall which is something I would like to call PRIDE. When arguments get heated sometimes people say things they don't mean such as, I want to break-up, I want a divorce or the classic phrase I need some space. Now if any of those phrases are said but in the end they work it out then the phrase is nothing but a "read in between the lines" type of phrase and they got lucky that their partner "read in between the lines" but what about the couples that don't have partners that read in between the lines? What happens to them? Now this is where the TV series, "The Game" comes into play. All of the couples had the basic same story NONE OF THEM DROPPED THEIR PRIDE AFTER AN ARGUMENT AND REFUSED TO FORGIVE THEIR SIGNIFICANT OTHER AND BY THE TIME THEY DROPPED THEIR PRIDE IT WAS TOO LATE! Take note to that last part IT WAS TOO LATE! Now coming back to reality, as dramatic as that show was it happens a lot between couples. The testing, the games, and the lies. Let me explain, I said testing because if you say I WANT TO BREAK-UP you are testing to see if they will fight for you. When I said games its because that's exactly what it is A GAME to see if they will prove their love for you. Now when I said lies I know that lie is a harsh word but it is straight to the point. If you say I WANT TO BREAK-UP but in your heart you don't then hey I'm going to call a spade a spade, and an unmeaningful phrase is a nice way of saying that it's a lie. 

My point of view is don't wait till the last minute to drop that wall and forgive your partner. Holding on to your pride will do nothing but damage to your relationship. Everything that you have worked for in your relationship and accomplished together could be shattered in minutes possibly seconds. Realize who your significant other is to you and if you want to be with that special someone for the rest of your life then treat them that way don't treat them like they can easily be replaced. Make them feel like he/she is the only one out there for you. Never stay complacent! Always continue to work and build on your relationship to keep your bond strong and unbreakable. Communicate and never and I repeat NEVER SAY ANYTHING YOU DON'T MEAN. Words cut deeper than you think and is one of the hardest things you will ever have to repair. Whoever says love is easy is delusional but whoever says love is the most amazing feeling you will ever experience in the world is a wise man.

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