Love [luhv] noun,verb
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
1. to have love or affection for another person; to be in love
Today I am not talking about the love for a family member. I'm talking about the knock you off your feet and make your heart skip a beat kind of love. In the dictionary there are multiple definitions of love but the first definitions pretty much sum up what I am posting about today.
Sometimes and I don't mean all times but sometimes people can mix up the deep definition of love with shallow thoughts and high expectations of what love is. I may even be able to say that there is a shallow invisible checklist. For example,
1. He must be at least 6 ft tall
2. He must be up to code with fashion
3. Blue eyes wouldn't hurt either
4. He must have a nice body but not a body builder type body
5. He must have a CAR! Oh... That should have been #1
6. Another #1 he must have a job but not just any job. A CAREER!
7. Goes w/ #6. If he is pursuing music I need to see his credentials and if it's worth it
8. Oh I forgot! Brunette hair to go with the blue eyes
9. There are sooo many #1's HE MUST NOT LIVE WITH MAMA!
11. I forgot to say he must spoil me on my birthday, our anniversary, and all holidays no matter what holiday for example: Presidents Day lol...
My point of view is if you are looking for the bad in someone you will find it. No matter who the person is you will find the bad if searched for. Growing up you always heard ALWAYS LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE. That saying can be put towards love as well. ALWAYS LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LOVE. My advice to you is if you find TRUE LOVE and don't mix that up with silly moments of lusting infatuation but if you find TRUE LOVE never try to control it, hurt it, sabotage it, or fight it. Do nothing but CHERISH THE MOMENTS and APPRECIATE IT. short....Throw out your SHALLOW Checklist and focus on perfecting you and not your future man