Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Art of True Love: Faithfulness

You always hear that being faithful and trustworthy are huge factors in any relationship whether it is family, friendship or marriage. All of those relationships are equally important but what I would like to specifically speak about is trust in a marriage and being faithful to it.

"It is love that asks, that seeks, that knocks, 
that finds, and that is faithful to what it finds."
                    -Augustine of Hippo

We live in a world full of inspiring music, mystical scenery, delicious food, and beautiful people. All of these fortunate things can influence us for the better meaning all of these things, if not taken for granted, can put a smile on our face and bring positivity into your lives. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. Where there is peace there is war... Where there is happiness there is sadness... And where there are faithful people there are regretably enough unfaithful people. As much as we are influenced to smile and laugh by beautiful things that bring us joy; there are bad influences and temptations that can confuse your mind just as easily. (Beware of such temptations... The only thing you will find is pain and regret.)  

My point of view is that I completely agree with this quote by Augustine. When love takes the time to ask, seek and eventually find it should be faithful to what it finds. But what impresses me most about this quote is that it was said in 1895 and that we can still relate to quotes and sayings that were mentioned over 100 years ago. Being faithful to love was just as important than as it is now. Love should always be respected to its highest degree. And last but not least, to fall in love is an amazing accomplishment but to be loved by someone who trusts you wholeheartedly is one of the many greatest gifts that anyone can receive and should never be taken advantage of. Before I end this blog I would like to leave you with a few words... Appreciation, Communication, Trust, Devotion, Friendship and Chemistry. 
Blog inspired by TRUE LOVE