Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Sensual Side of Photography

WARNING: If you are under the age of 18 I do not advise you to read this blog. This blog is for mature adults only. Thank you... (hahahahahaha.... jk)

Nowadays we have access to a camera/video camera that is within our reach. Whether it be on our cell phone or we keep a camera in our bag either way we have it on hand and we are ready to snap away at any embarrassing, funny, cute or sad moment. Now have you ever sat back and asked yourself how important photo images are to you or others? I personally love to view lovey dovey pictures of my husband and I from our dating days to now. Taking that trip down memory lane still gives me butterflies and laughs. Now with that being said today's subject is going to be about the sensual side of photography but not for just anyone but for your spouse actually more for your husband.

I messaged some random female friends on Facebook asking them about this certain subject. In fact, here is the exact message I sent out to them...

  • Ok I need help... I was asked to write a blog about photography but more of the sensual side of photography. Pictures that women take for their new husbands, anniversary or husbands birthdays. The couple that does these photo shoots are LDS and they get a ton of praise from the women that do these photos and men that get these photos. These photos are for the husbands eyes only. These women are in lingerie or a bra and undies. Please tell me your views about this entire thing. Some people think that doings these photos is degrading to women. But these women come to them to take these photos. Note that these pictures are not raunchy. I don't really know how to explain it unless you see for yourself. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?

    Jones Red Label (the sexy side of Jones Photo Art)
    Sexy, Modern Boudoir Photography

Immediately after I sent out this message I got a ton of responses. All of their answers/opinions were positive whether they would do it or not. Some girls said they've done it already or you know I'd do it but most of their responses could be summed up in one phrase, "TO EACH HIS OWN". If you don't understand here is an example: I'd never pick that color, but to each his own. So what is your opinion on this matter?

My point of view is WHO AM I TO JUDGE? The honest reason why I wouldn't do it is because I don't want anyone else seeing me dressed that way other than my husband but that is MY opinion and nobody else. But if you were to ask me if I look down on another because they choose to do these kind of photos for their husband???? Ummm... Not so much. In fact, more power to them! If that's their choice to be able to rekindle the fire or do a simple action of JUST BECAUSE then HEY, GO ON WITH YOUR BAD SELF ;) These photos are being taken for their husbands eyes only and not for the public eye to see so I ask why are we forming a negative judgement on what we don't see? The wisest answer I got was given by my mother--> What happens behind closed doors between a married couple is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS! I have the same opinion about the photographers taking these photos... TO EACH HIS OWN!

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