"I know your talking about me so why would I go out of my way to say HI??!!"
"I'm not fake so if I don't like you, YOU'LL KNOW..."
"I don't trust people so I don't want to let anybody in unless I know they are cool"
"If I don't wanna smile then guess what?! I WON'T SMILE"
Etc... Etc... Etc...
The list can go on and on and you may have not said it in those exact words but what it all boils down to is YOU HAVE BEEN BACKSTABBED IN SOME WAY AND IT'S HARD TO TRUST ANYBODY NEW.
Today's topic is about "People Skills". The reason why I want to speak on this topic is because I for one am speaking from experience. Unfortunately, I was one of those people that wouldn't.... I mean I actually refused to let anybody in. I would constantly hear from my husband that I need to be nicer or not so rude and I was so bad that I didn't know I was being rude. I didn't even SMILE. How sad is that? So this year I told my husband I'M GONNA WORK ON MY PEOPLE SKILLS. It took a lot of work and will power to be able to change years of stubbornness. But I realized that the people that I was meeting weren't people from my past. They weren't the people that hurt me. So I truly did a 180 and turned my "People Skills" around.
My point of view is that I never really understood how much pain I held inside and how much I let other people control my day, my week or even my life. All because I chose to be what society calls "BEING REAL" but all it brought out were negative vibes from me and others. But today... Today I can proudly say that there is no awkwardness in my heart. I don't need to tell people my life story right off the bat. But I can still be presentable, nice and respectful WITHOUT BEING FAKE. I feel more positive and definitely happy now. I can go anywhere no matter who or what people are talking about I can kill them with kindness. Hahahaha... I laugh more and I smile more. My husband is definitely my inspiration for all of this. And hey... All I have to say in the end is if anyone chooses to talk about me before they get to know me then that's a shame cause I know that one thing I'm good at is being a true friend. I believe that this quote basically sums up this blog all in one sentence...
"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."
-Albert Schweitzer